Choose to have a tree planted instead of receiving a t-shirt.

Following the run in 2021 we asked all participants to provide us with some feedback, and the idea of replacing giving out T-shirts with planting a tree was born.

Since then, all participants have been given the option to either choose a T-shirt or for a tree to be planted locally in Cholsey and the surrounding area.  For every entry, The Treehouse School, in conjunction with Cholsey Environment Champions, will plant a tree to help local nature thrive.  Trees have kindly been donated from Blenheim Palace and The Woodland Trust.

Though we go to great lengths to ensure the Treehouse 10K has minimal environmental impact, the production of T-shirts leaves its footprint on the earth whether in energy use, water use or the release of carbon in the atmosphere, all having a negative impact on our environment and contributing to climate breakdown. Planting a tree however, has a positive effect on our environment, creating vital habitat for wildlife, reducing soil erosion, preventing flooding and absorbing carbon dioxide.

Every time a participant chooses to plant a tree rather than receiving a t-shirt, a native tree will be planted in or around Cholsey. When booking your place at The Treehouse 10K or 5K please let us know which option you would like by using the drop down menu. This years t-shirts are Black.

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